72Pixelign is a professional website design, consulting & internet marketing company that delivers real business solution, like Content Management System, DotNetNuke, e-Commerece, Wordpress, etc.
Our services include web design, web development, mobile application, Digital media marketing, SEO & more.
Our packages are cost effective and suits all types of businesses needs.
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Getting a new website isn’t like getting a roof. It goes far beyond simply figuring how much space you need to cover and what types of materials you need to get the job done.
a website can only be successfully planned once the expected audience is studied, which then determines how the site should function
After you have a clear idea of your website’s function and target audience, the design phase involves deciding how the site will be arranged and what it will look like.
This is the part where your ideas and mockups get turned into the real, digital product—the step where you actually “make” (or develop) your website.
you’ll need to get your content on the internet in order for your website to be live, searchable through search engines like Google, and viewable through web browsers.
Office No 77, 4th Floor, Park Av.
13th B St, Block 13 A Gulshan, Karachi, Pakistan